Isuue with opening Tensorboard with AWS sage maker

I am trying to open Tensorboard using aws sage maker.
There is an example code already available in AWS. (Link: Use TensorBoard in Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic - Amazon SageMaker )

To Test I have followed the steps and opened tensorboard in aws host as above. I could see my Tensorboard but No data is displayed. The board is just empty (see the image)

I also wanted to use the PROJECTOR. So I created checkpoints during the training and saved it in the same path as per the documentation.


and in the root directory of my Terminal - I used

tensorboard --logdir test_logs/fit/20230412-215858

But when i open the Tensorboard PROJECTOR i get an error (checkpoint not found)

I do not understand why I am receiving this error? The log_dir is correctly checked and I am in my root directory. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

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