Is using gemini api thru google cloud platform possiable?

Thanks to everyone reading this, here’s my problem facing
I am trying to use gemini api in a project, I used to use gemini api key, it works perfectly. But since to project has already get the Oauth2.0 credentials for gmail and others. I’m thinking if its possiable to access gemini api thru there and the pricing (I could fine the exact pricing in the pricing table)

BTW, there’s gemini api in google cloud platform.

thanks to any replys~~


Welcome to the forum.

Yes, you can use the Gemini API on Vertex AI. There are SDKs provided by Google for this. The new Python google-genai package even unifies both APIs into one single package. Similar to my Gemini SDK for .NET.

See here: Vertex AI client libraries  |  Generative AI on Vertex AI  |  Google Cloud

Hope this helps.

wow, thanks for your help!!!

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