Inability to authenticate with OAuth for the Vertex AI SDK

The issue we encountered was the inability to authenticate with OAuth for the Vertex AI SDK.
We faced an issue with OAuth authentication for the Vertex AI SDK.

The command used was:

!gcloud auth application-default login
–no-browser --client-id-file=“C:\Users\Abdelrazek\Desktop\Designer\client_secret.json”

However, this resulted in an inability to authenticate with OAuth for the Vertex AI SDK.

The subsequent command:

!gcloud auth application-default login
–client-id-file=“C:\Users\Abdelrazek\Desktop\Designer\Designer-image\client_secret.json” \

The error encountered was:

Access blocked: Authorization Error
Some requested scopes were invalid. (invalid= [‘, language.retriever’]} Learn more about this error
If you are a developer of Flutter Plumage Couture, see error details.
Error 400: invalid_scope""