I’m working on a project where I have to detect when a person is in certain stages of sleep by looking at EEG data. I’m working on a 2014 macbook pro using zsh and a python=3.6 miniconda environment. I want to use the code from this repo:
The requirements are:
As per the instructions on github, I set up a conda environment and install the required libraries:
conda create -n tinysleepnet python=3.6
conda activate tinysleepnet
pip install -r requirements.txt
But I get an error attempting to install tensorflow-gpu:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1 (from versions: 0.12.1, 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.0)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1
So I installed it by:
pip install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu
which successfully installed tensorflow-gpu-1.1.0-cp36-cp36m-macosx_10_11_x86_64.whl
It is able to successfully prepare the data, but when I run the training program, I get a couple of errors that the “image not found” and “Failed to load the native TensorFlow runtime.” I can include the entire error message, if needed.
I feel like the error could be related to not having the specific version of tensorflow-gpu required by the repo, but I don’t know why it can’t find that version to install it.
Thanks for reading this far