How to use tensorflow

hello to all and am should u are good? Pls i want to start a research work on transfer learning on deep learning based on plant disease detection, pls, what are the areas i need to research for the work and how can i start using tensor flow thanks


Start with Tensorflow basics, learn how to write neural networks in Tensorflow.
Then learn about computer vision and transfer learning.

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hello, language detection is also missing, but I would advise you to read the official documentation for use cases

Just adding up to @Rohan_Raj , here are some links for you:

If you don’t know anything about ML, there are many good courses to do, a good free one is the crash course: Machine Learning  |  Google for Developers

If you know the basics of ML, then this tutorials is a very good start for TensorFlow:

After you feel comfortable with the API, this tutorial for transfer learning will give you the idea of how TL works: Transfer learning and fine-tuning  |  TensorFlow Core

Finally, for a Transfer Learning for Plant disease, detected from pictures of the leaves, this tutorial can get you cover: CropNet: Cassava Disease Detection  |  TensorFlow Hub

hope this helps