How to solve a set of linear systems

I’m having a problem understanding the working mechanism of tensorflow’s function: tf.linalg.solve. I want to solve a set of linear systems (AX = Y), where the linear coefficients (A) were shared but there are multiple batches of Y, which are different. Using numpy, I can simply do it via:

mtx = np.random.uniform(size= (1,4,4))
vec = np.random.uniform(size= (100,4,1))
solution = np.linalg.solve(mtx,vec)
print(abs(np.matmul(mtx,solution) - vec).max())
# 5.551115123125783e-16

which gives me a quite consistent solution. But when I switch to tensorflow, it gives me the results:

mtx = tf.random.uniform(shape = (1,4,4))
vec = tf.random.uniform(shape = (100,4,1))
solution = tf.linalg.solve(mtx,vec)
print(tf.math.reduce_max(abs(tf.matmul(mtx,solution) - vec))) 
# tf.Tensor(1.3136615, shape=(), dtype=float32)

According to the document, I assume the solution should be solved according to the corresponding vec. But it does not seem to give me the expected results in tensorflow. Since I’m a new user, I could have messed up something. It would be appreciated if any information could be offered.

Hello @Yibin_Jiang

Thank you for using TensorFlow

There are various reasons why the values are different are, due to the seed difference and also the randomly generated matrix would constitute for the inconsistency issue, I worked on this and this is the colab notebook In my observation the TensorFlow works on float32 and numpy works on float64 precision, this inconsistency is mainly caused due to this precision difference.