How to properly add a residual connection to a Keras Model?

I would like to get the recipe for a model that contains residual connections and I want to change dimensions of some layers (thus, I barely can use clone_model() method) to re-assemble this model. How to do it?

I have tried to read all the residual connections:

non_seq_layers = { l[0].name for layer in model.layers if isinstance(l:=layer._inbound_nodes[0].inbound_layers, list) and l}

l[1] is always just previous layer, l[0] shows residual connection.

Then I tried to assemble model (without any shape modifications):

def recompose(model, non_seq_layers):
    new_model = Model()
    previous_layer = model.input
    for layer in model.layers:
        if in non_seq_layers:
            layer = copy_layer(layer)
            previous_layer = layer([previous_layer, model.get_layer(non_seq_layers[]).output])
            layer = copy_layer(layer)
            previous_layer = layer(previous_layer)
    new_model = Model(model.input, previous_layer)
    return new_model

Everything works fine untill I the conv3_block1_add layer (Resnet50) where I got error:

ValueError: Inputs have incompatible shapes. Received shapes (14, 14, 512) and (28, 28, 512)

Is it a proper way to manage such task? How to repair it? Perhaps sth with encoding residual connections (non seq layers ) may be wrong.

Hi @Igor_Ratajczyk.
I guess it would be easier to help if you shared your whole snippet code.
The error message you get is quite clear. There is a shape mismatch in the model you created using recompose function. Did you explore the architecture of that new model, e.g. using the summary() method?

@tagoma ,surely, here is entire code:

from keras.applications.resnet import ResNet50
model = ResNet50(weights='imagenet')
non_seq_layers = { l[0].name for layer in model.layers if isinstance(l:=layer._inbound_nodes[0].inbound_layers, list) and l}

def copy_layer(layer):
    if isinstance(layer, Conv2D):
        return Conv2D(layer.filters, layer.kernel_size, layer.strides, layer.padding, layer.data_format, layer.dilation_rate, layer.groups, layer.activation, layer.use_bias, layer.kernel_initializer, layer.bias_initializer, layer.kernel_regularizer, layer.bias_regularizer, layer.activity_regularizer, layer.kernel_constraint, layer.bias_constraint,
        return layer.__class__.from_config(layer.get_config())

def recompose(model, non_seq_layers):
    new_model = Model()
    previous_layer = model.input
    for layer in model.layers:
            # print(
            if in non_seq_layers:
                # layer = copy_layer(layer)
                previous_layer = layer([previous_layer, model.get_layer(non_seq_layers[]).output])
                layer = copy_layer(layer)
                previous_layer = layer(previous_layer)
        except ValueError as e:
            print(f'Error in {} : {e}')

    new_model = Model(model.input, previous_layer)
    return new_model

recomposed = recompose(model, non_seq_layers)

I am at the begining of implementing the more advanced algorithm, but as long as plain decompose-recompose funtion does not work i cannot do any more advanced weights manipulation

Can you please also show your import commands, e.g. is Model() a Tensorflow/Keras model object? Also beware possible issues using layer or other such variable names.
Thank you.


from keras.applications.resnet import ResNet50

from keras.models import Model

from keras.layers import Dense, GlobalAveragePooling2D, Add, Conv2D