@lgusm So, should I go with the academic torrent? The problem is, which link should I use to download? Which is the correct one? I can see imagenet-21k of 1.19 TB, but is it the right version? And which one is the correct imagenet 1k version?
Here correct means, I can use this dataset as a benchmark dataset.
Downloading is needed before I can suggest anything. You should download imagenet2012 dataset which as 1k classes.
I need to know how to download the imagenet (at least 1k subset) without any academic mail. I can not get the data from the official page for sure, and so I am wondering from which alternate source I can get the dataset. If it’s academic torrents site, I need the correct link as there are many sources. Among these sources, which version is the correct one that uses to evaluate the proposed models in the literature.