Hi, I have a custom model example:
import tensorflow as tf
class CustomModule(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self):
super(CustomModule, self).__init__()
self.v = tf.Variable(1.)
def call(self, x):
print('Tracing with', x)
return x * self.v
def mutate(self, new_v):
I want to save it for serving and that is why I need to provide a function for “serving_default”. I’ve tried to do it like this:
module = CustomModule()
module_with_signature_path = './tmp/1'
call = tf.function(module.mutate, input_signature=[tf.TensorSpec([], tf.float32)])
tf.saved_model.save(module, module_with_signature_path, signatures=call)
And I got an error:
ValueError: Got a non-Tensor value <tf.Operation 'StatefulPartitionedCall' type=StatefulPartitionedCall> for key 'output_0' in the output of the function __inference_mutate_8 used to generate the SavedModel signature 'serving_default'. Outputs for functions used as signatures must be a single Tensor, a sequence of Tensors, or a dictionary from string to Tensor.
How can I properly define signature while saving model? Thank you!