I am quite new in the field and in the use TF, so I probably ask a rather easy question, but I was wandering
how I can implement this transformation as a Bijector (all the “w” and “alpha” are >0)
$$T(z_i) = w_{i0} + \sum_{k=1}^K w_{ik}\rho(\alpha_{ik} z_i + \beta_{ik})$$
this is just to illustrate an how-to, for instance K=2 and z_i is either a 1-scalar feature or a 2-scalar features.
Thanks for your help.
- import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_probability as tfp tfd = tfp.distributions tfb = tfp.bijectors base_distribution = tfd.Normal (loc=0, scale=1.5) x = base_distribution.sample (10) # Sample 10 times, to get fixed values # Define the distribution for the parameter of the bijector scale_distribution = tfd.Uniform (low=2/3-0.5, high=2/3+0.5) # This is how I wish it was, but fails bijector = tfb.Scale (scale=scale_distribution) # ValueError: TypeError: object of type ‘Uniform’ has no len ()
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