When we use the benchmark test, it will display "peak memeroy footprint (MB) :init = overall = " but the size value displayed in each test is different.
We would like to know is there any other way to count the memory size of the model
You can use the model profiler
that tells you the model’s memory requirement, no. of parameters, flops etc
Sample code using Toy Example:
from tensorflow.keras.applications import EfficientNetB3
from model_profiler import model_profiler
model = EfficientNetB3(include_top=True)
Batch_size = 128
profile = model_profiler(model, Batch_size)
Downloading data from https://storage.googleapis.com/keras-applications/efficientnetb3.h5
50102272/50095040 [==============================] - 1s 0us/step
50110464/50095040 [==============================] - 1s 0us/step
| Model Profile | Value | Unit |
| Selected GPUs | None Detected | GPU IDs |
| No. of FLOPs | 1.5651 | BFLOPs |
| GPU Memory Requirement | 41.7385 | GB |
| Model Parameters | 12.3205 | Million |
| Memory Required by Model Weights | 46.9991 | MB |
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thanks, Actually we want to count the memory usage of the tflite model when it runs on Android.
Is there any way?