I want to add Tensorflow-Lite and Tensorflow_lite-api AAR files to my Android.mk ?
can anyone guide me, how to include these two files to Android.mk and Android.bp files?
I want to add Tensorflow-Lite and Tensorflow_lite-api AAR files to my Android.mk ?
can anyone guide me, how to include these two files to Android.mk and Android.bp files?
any update on this ?
Please “Add your AAR or JAR as a dependency” through android studio.
If you face any further issue please install AAR files to your local maven repo by following the below command
#For installing normal AAR files
mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=bazel-bin/tmp/tensorflow-lite.aar \
-DgroupId=org.tensorflow \
-DartifactId=tensorflow-lite -Dversion=0.1.100 -Dpackaging=aar
#Installing Select Ops AAR files
mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=bazel-bin/tmp/tensorflow-lite-select-tf-ops.aar \
-DgroupId=org.tensorflow \
-DartifactId=tensorflow-lite-select-tf-ops -Dversion=0.1.100 -Dpackaging=aar
Thank you.
thankyou @chunduriv
but my requirement is different.
we have to add Tensorflow-lite AAR to Android.bp file. we are not using gradle building.
we are using soong building system.
once we add the AAR file to Android.bp file, it will generate the jars in intermediates. but I don.t the process in Android.bp
if you have any idea, please let me know.
I want to include Tensorflow-Lite and Tensorflow_lite-api AAR files to my Android.bp ?
I want to add Tensorflow-lite-api-2.9.0.aar file to Android.bp file, so I did some research and found one solution like this?
android_library_import {
name: "tensorflow-lite",
aars: ["libs/tensorflowlite.aar"],
I have added like this and built it, but its not generating .jar files in Out directory (out/target/product/msm8953_64/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES)
can anyone help on this?
Note: we are using mmm command for build the code