How to access built tensorflow from vs 2022?

Now I have built tensorflow from source on windiws 11 with this command:

bazel build --config=win_clang --repo_env=TF_PYTHON_VERSION=3.11 //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:wheel --repo_env=WHEEL_NAME=tensorflow_cpu

In the docs it says to use

bazel build --config=win_clang --repo_env=TF_PYTHON_VERSION=3.11 //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:wheel --repo_env=WHEEL_NAME=tensorflow_cpu

but then I get this message

ERROR: no such target '//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:wheel': target 'wheel' not declared in package 'tensorflow/tools/pip_package' defined by P:/machinelearning/tensorflow/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/BUILD (Tip: use `query "//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:*"` to see all the targets in that package)

bazel query "//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:*

bazel query “//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:*”
Loading: 1 packages loaded

as the possibilities, but NO wheel! I choose build_pip_package

Now I’ve built build_pip_package how do I access tensorfloe from c++ in visual studio 2022 ? There are no
pip install bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/wheel_house/tensorflow-version-tags.whl
I can find to install as described in the guide (or that is: Where is it ?)

What do I do from here to access the built tensorflow from c++ in Visual studio 2022 ?


Isn’t this easier with docker ?
