How do I do flutter object detection?

How can I detect an object in the image coming from rtsp using flutter tensorflow? I tried to connect the rtsp connection I established instead of the camera, but I kept failing.

I think that before this you need to solve retriving single image from an rtsp stream.

Check or post in this thread:

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After solving the problem with the image retrieving, are you going to use a pre-trained model or do you have a specific set of classes that you need to find in the image?

I will use a pre-trained model

I was able to decode the rtsp stream using VLC ,How can I detect an object?

Are you using something like:

For flutter, I imagine you are running something on-device? if so, I’d look into these tutorials: Object Detection | On-Device ML  |  Google for Developers

there’s a lot of information that you’ll need and it’s all explained in details there