Hi, I’m new to Tensorflow and even Python. I’m interested in to use Tensorflow3D models to recognize something on mobile devices.
Before starting my problem question, can I use a tensorflow3D model on a mobile device in the first place? If so, I have a problem.
My problem is that I can’t save a model that is using semantic segmentation model, named “semantic_segmentation_model.” I’m struggled with saving the model just adding below code.
callbacks=[backup_checkpoint_callback, checkpoint_callback],
verbose=1 if FLAGS.run_functions_eagerly else 2)
# Added this by edom18
This added code is in google-reserch/tf3d/train.py
. I just added last code after calling fit
method. Then I got some errors like below.
ValueError: batch_size is unknown at graph construction time.
In call to configurable 'train' (<function train at 0x7f3e476aee60>)
What should I know about that?