I would like to use Google AI Studio’s Gemini 2.0 exp flash to create an app (or maybe I should say a system) with prebuilt knowledges and custom prompts like GPTs.
What exactly do you want to do?
hi… sorry for get into this topic, but i have same question, i wanna use the promts i save in Library in aiStudio via API. or just have direct access to them…now i can use it only inside de Aistudio page. for example…in make dot com when you use openAi modules you can select an especific gpt from a list…with the gemini mdule i try given instrucction throught the tunnedPromt parameter in the API module whithout success. finaly i managed to solve the make dot com issue passign two text promts to the model one with the instruction and the other with the normal prompt…sorry for my english and thanks in advance
Welcome to the forum.
AI Studio is a developer tool. There is a blue Get Code button on the right side panel. That converts your prompt into code (you get to select what coding language you want). Then, you can run your prompt using the code that Studio generated for you.
Hope that helps.
interesting aproach. and very usefulll thanks a lot…so the idea is to create our own assistant app…in wich we can select and run preconfigured prompts with their instrucction…so in make we can just use the api module…thanks again…anyway i think that if we have saved the prompts in the library they could be more independent as openAi gpts and be availble from outside the aistudio enviroment…thanks again…i put an image of the openAi option in make
i think this answer is pefect for the original question…