I have created a chat prompt using IA Studio, where I have configured instructions for it to respond, and it works very well. I have saved it under the name POLY. Now I want to call it from Postman so that it responds based on those instructions, but I can’t find in the documentation how to do it. Could someone help me understand how to call my pre-created chat bot?"
Welcome to the forum.
There is documentation on the REST API here REST Resource: models | Google AI for Developers | Google for Developers
The chat interface uses these two
Method: models.generateContent | Google AI for Developers | Google for Developers
Method: models.streamGenerateContent | Google AI for Developers | Google for Developers
Tip: the easiest integration to start with (and still useful to have) is
Once you have list_models() working, you will have worked through most of the integration needed and then you will be well on your way to your chat app.
Thank you, I thought I could invoke the chatbot I created in IA Studio directly, but I solved it by sending the necessary configuration in each request under the SystemInstructions section.
Now it work.