Hi anyone has any guidance on this issue
Just a context I’m using tensorflow on google colab to do classification on MRI images of brain tumours with 4 classes and dataset size 480
glioma, meningioma, no tumor and pituitary
My dataset is loaded into using
ImageDataGenerator from keras.preprocessing and using my custom preprocessing code
And then loaded using datagen.flow_from_directory with a batch size of 32
And currently using keras.applications.DenseNet201 to build this
Currently doing hyperparameter tuning with keras_tuner, in which I managed to retrieve a val accuracy of 82%
But when I use the same validation_generator to plot a confusion matrix retrieved using tuner.get_best_models(1)[0] and then performing a .predict using that model, my confusion matrix is all over the place, i further tested using train_generator and a perfect confusion matrix is to be expected but it is also all over thr place, am I doing something wrong? Or any guidance on this matter?