GSoC 2022 | TensorFlow

For those who are planning to apply for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) this year, I’ve compiled a list of things that might be helpful to go through:

It caters to both seasoned open-sourcers and also the ones yet to get into the open-source world. Also just as an FYI, this year GSoC will not just be about university students. It’ll be open for anyone willing to contribute to open-source software. Ain’t that great news?


Very informative @Sayak_Paul, Thanks,
I plan to apply with Tensorflow this year and I hope the luck will be with me because the last year I was rejected :grimacing: ,
I hope this year I will catch the eye of Mr. @jbgordon


Here’s another resource

I want feedback on my project proposal and I have tried to contact my mentor also mailed to the said email. It’s been 5 days now. Can anyone please guide me what is the expected wait time to here back?

I cannot comment on anyone else’s reply time. Sorry.