Google AI beating Copilot Microsoft AI?…

So, I have been a fan of Microsoft’s artificial intelligence system called Copilot because I need a powerful and accurate calculator for equations with astronomical numerical figures (trillions, quadrillions, quintillions, etc.). However, its performance started to decline, and consequently, it gave me very inaccurate results. That’s why I tried this new system developed by Google, which, in my experience, is outperforming Copilot. I have asked it about topics related to nutrition, calories, calculations, and analysis, and it is working excellent :+1:t2:


For precise calculations with large numbers, you might also consider specialized mathematical tools like Python’s Decimal module or dedicated scientific computing libraries like NumPy, which are specifically designed to handle astronomical figures with high precision.

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Absolutely agree with you. Google AI is doing an excellent job using Python software for these types of activities, which is incredible since it’s practical and ensures a double check to provide you with an accurate result👏🏻

You’re right! The combination of Google AI’s capabilities with Python’s powerful numerical computing features is truly impressive. The ability to handle complex calculations while maintaining accuracy is exactly what makes these tools so valuable.

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