I’m encountering an error with a model I fine-tuned and am currently using in production. It also doesn’t work in chat.
ERROR [LlmService] Error processing batch: [GoogleGenerativeAI Error]: Error fetching from https://generativelanguage.googleapis.com/v1beta/tunedModels/*-c0qaj6428pky:generateContent: [500 Internal Server Error] An internal error has occurred. Please retry or report in 问题排查指南 | Gemini API | Google AI for Developers
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Hi @ialberquilla
This is might be an intermittent error. Try after sometime if the issue still persist please let us know.
@Susarla_Sai_Manoj I’m still getting this error, which has been happening for more than 2 days. All the requests fail
Could you share the sample prompt you are using?
No, i cant @Susarla_Sai_Manoj , is the exact same prompt that have been working for weeks and the prompt that was used to train the model