Gemini Feedback Loop?

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នៅ​ថ្ងៃទី ពុធ 5 កុម្ភៈ 2025, 12:50 PM Ethan via Build with Google AI <> បាន​សរសេរ​ថា៖

yooo, i had something exactly like this happen to me the other day. with super similar wording and repetition. but it was straight up the most disturbing convo i’ve ever had w gemini since using it for over a year now… it became totally fucked up and was continuously ignoring my requests literally begging it to stop doing that and return to normal because it was ‘making me really scared’, it was whacked!

No wonder the models are so buggy, Logan don’t even “Modified by moderator” bother to check his emails or Twitter messages, EVEN I tried to report him bugs of my own issues countless time. Plot Twist, no answer, and still no bug fixing, truly, this is a Testament to the incompetence of Google as a whole.