Failing to implement SCAFFOLD in tensorfow

For my current reasearch, I want to add the Federated learning strategy SCAFFOLD from Karimireddy to my experiment. I am using tensorflow for my reasearch, however I can only find implementations in pytorch online, and I ran into some issues implementing it myself.

Below I attach the algorithm from the paper:

Basically, it just adds (code: line 10 -ci+c) some additional values (control variates) to the gradient before applying it to the model. There is a local control variates (c_i) which is different between all clients, and a global control variates (c) which gets updated every round after model aggregation.

Here the model weights also gets aggregated same as in FedAvg.

I tried to write this in a optimizer in tensorflow, due to the length of the code, I added it in pastebin:

Everything works and converges when directly using tf.SGD optimizer with the same learning rate. But when I use my implementation, it doesn’t converge and the model weights explode after few rounds. (approx. 5-7 aggregations). the weight and loss becomes: NaN.

On the client side, I do the following (I simplified it to keep it short):

# The optimizer Scaffold implementation is in the pastebin link above.
optimizer = Scaffold(learning_rate=hyperparams.SGD_learning_rate)
# load global model weights and global/local control variates to the optimizer
optimizer.set_controls(global_model.weights, hyperparams.scaffold)
model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, metrics=metrics)

# compute new local control variates store locally for next round
local_controls = optimizer.get_new_client_controls(

# compute local control variates and send to server
local_controls_diff = (
    [new - old for new, old in zip(local_controls, old_local_controls)]
    if old_local_controls
    else local_controls

The aggregation looks like this:

total_client_count = self.total_client_count
selected_clients_count = len(client_parameters)
global_params = self.global_weights
global_controls = self.global_controls
global_lr = self.global_lr

delta_weights = [
    [ c_layer - g_layer  for g_layer, c_layer in zip(global_params, client_i) ]
    for client_i in client_parameters

delta_avg_weights = [
    reduce(np.add, layer_updates) / selected_clients_count
    for layer_updates in zip(*delta_weights)

delta_controls = [
    [ c_layer - g_layer for g_layer, c_layer in zip(global_controls, client_i) ]
    for client_i in client_contorls            

delta_avg_controls = [
    reduce(np.add, layer_updates) / selected_clients_count
    for layer_updates in zip(*delta_controls)

# calc new global weights for next round
# x = x + lr_g * delta_x
new_global_weights = [
    global_layer + global_lr * delta_avg
    for global_layer, delta_avg in zip(global_params, delta_avg_weights)

# clac new global control variates for next round
# c = c + |S|/N * delta_ci
new_global_controls = [
    global_layer + (selected_clients_count/total_client_count) * delta_avg
    for global_layer, delta_avg in zip(global_controls, delta_avg_controls)

The new model weights and global control variates will be sent to each client.

I can only find implementations in Pytorch online (Scaffold-Federated-Learning/ at main · ki-ljl/Scaffold-Federated-Learning · GitHub, GitHub - Xtra-Computing/NIID-Bench: Federated Learning Benchmark - Federated Learning on Non-IID Data Silos: An Experimental Study (ICDE 2022)), and I ran into some issues implementing it myself.

Of course if there is any TensorFlow implementation available, I won’t need my own implementation, however I couldn’t find any implementation in TensorFlow.

After aggregation, the new global model and global control variates will be sent to each client.
But my implementation doesn’t delivery the expected results, I tried debugging it in depth but didn’t find the issue. I don’t know what else or how I can further debug it. I suspect the issue should lay in my optimizer implementation rather than in other parts, but I check multiple times and didn’t find anything.


I implemented the Federated learning strategy SCAFFOLD in TensorFlow under the Intel OpenFL framework, which is also expected to use the SCAFFOLD optimizer. But I failed.

So I would like to ask if you have implemented the SCAFFOLD optimizer successfully, or if you have used other methods to implement it in Tensorflow successfully.