Hello TensorFlow Community,
I am facing an issue with TensorBoard’s EventAccumulator that seems to be a common problem, as I have noticed several unanswered questions on both Stack Overflow and the TensorFlow Community regarding this topic. I have written some code to read the contents of the event files generated by TensorFlow and display the scalar data. The code is able to list all the tags correctly but doesn’t show the contents of those tags.
import os
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_accumulator import EventAccumulator
def process_event_file(event_file):
print(f"Processing event file: {event_file}")
event_acc = EventAccumulator(event_file)
scalar_tags = event_acc.Tags()['scalars']
for tag in scalar_tags:
scalar_events = event_acc.Scalars(tag)
print(f"\nData for tag '{tag}':")
for event in scalar_events:
print(f"Step {event.step}, Wall time {event.wall_time}: {event.value}")
def find_and_process_event_files(directory):
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
if file.startswith("events.out.tfevents"):
event_file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
print("\n" + "=" * 80 + "\n")
However, when I run TensorBoard in my browser, all the graphs are plotted correctly. Why is the code unable to print the contents of the scalar data, even though TensorBoard displays the graphs correctly? What am I missing, or how can I fix this issue?
I previously asked this question on Stack Overflow but haven’t received any response yet. Here’s the link to the [original question]
The print output looks
Processing event file: /content/drive/some-folder/logs/2023-04-13 13:52:36.450081/tensorboard/trainer/UNIQUE_ID_HERE/events.out.tfevents.xxxxxx.localhost.localdomain.xxxx.x.v2
{'images': [], 'audio': [], 'histograms': [], 'scalars': [], 'distributions': [], 'tensors': ........}
I believe this is a recurring issue that many developers are experiencing, but I haven’t found any clear solutions in the existing questions on both platforms. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I am sure it will benefit others facing the same problem.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!