Able to get keras model h5 format for masked RCNN.
I have tried 2 approaches:
1.While trying to convert keras model to tensorflow saved_model using GitHub - bendangnuksung/mrcnn_serving_ready: 🛠 Mask R-CNN Keras to Tensorflow and TFX models + Serving models using TFX GRPC & RESTAPI getting error as File “”, line 113, in
model.load_weights(H5_WEIGHT_PATH, by_name=True)
File “/home/ubuntu/Downloads/Blaize/mrcnn_serving_ready-master/”, line 2131, in load_weights
saving.load_weights_from_hdf5_group_by_name(f, layers)
File “/home/ubuntu/Downloads/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/engine/”, line 1328, in load_weights_from_hdf5_group_by_name
str(weight_values[i].shape) + ‘.’)
ValueError: Layer #389 (named “mrcnn_bbox_fc”), weight <tf.Variable ‘mrcnn_bbox_fc/kernel:0’ shape=(1024, 24) dtype=float32, numpy=
array([[-0.05486 , -0.03290214, 0.05897582, …, -0.05898178,
-0.06868616, 0.05374715],
[-0.06710163, -0.03682471, -0.03057443, …, -0.05611433,
-0.04561458, 0.05178914],
[-0.0041154 , -0.07344876, -0.06137543, …, 0.0011842 ,
0.04365869, -0.05199062],
[ 0.06231805, -0.02443966, -0.00532094, …, -0.01833269,
-0.02245103, -0.01552512],
[-0.04047406, -0.06753345, 0.02390008, …, 0.01883602,
-0.04362615, -0.05265519],
[ 0.00530255, 0.04341973, 0.03085093, …, -0.07011634,
0.01440722, 0.02777647]], dtype=float32)> has shape (1024, 24), but the saved weight has shape (1024, 324). the second method using,got error as
ValueError('Unknown ’ + printable_module_name + ': ’ + class_name)
ValueError: Unknown layer: BatchNorm