I’ve trained a neural network with dropout and I saved it using the SavedModel
Now, I deployed it using tensorflow serving.
Everything works well but I’m wondering if the dropout is removed from the computation.
Is the SavedModel
format removes the dropout, as model.forward(.., training=False)
would do. I guess it should since the SavedModel
format is meant for inference but just to be sure.
Thank you all !
I am also getting the same issue mentioned above.
I’ve done a small test to check if dropout is removed when exporting to saved model and infering with tensorflow serving.
The test is:
- create dummy model with arbitrary weights and dropout
- export to savedmodel
- deploy using tensorflow serving
- get inference multiple times and check if the output value changes.
Create dummy model, test it and save it
>> import tensorflow as tf
>> nn = tf.keras.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, kernel_initializer='ones'),
>> a = tf.constant([[2.0]])
>> nn(a, training=False)
<tf.Tensor: shape=(1, 1), dtype=float32, numpy=array([[2.]], dtype=float32)>
>> tf.saved_model.save(nn, "test_dummy")
Launch tensorflow serving (documentation here)
Get inferencefrom tf/serving
$ curl -d '{"instances": [[2.0]]}' -X POST http://localhost:8501/v1/models/dummy:predict
"predictions": [[2.0]
I did dozens of inference and never had a different value from 2.0 which the expected output when having no dropout.
Conclusion: I do think dropout (might be extended to batch normalization) are removed from savedmodel (or at least removed in tensorflow serving).
Tell me if you think I missed something
Is there a way of enabling dropout during inference time using tf-serving?