Difference between training with original grayscale image and color image converted to grayscale

Hi :smiley:

When I load grayscale, I use cv2.imread and give cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE as the flag.
I just wondered what will happen if I train the model by color image from gray scale.
I Tried, and the training ended successfully.

Now, I’ve got something to ask.
What difference is between training with original grayscale image and color image converted to grayscale?
Is it better to train grayscale model with original grayscale images than to train color model with color images converted to grayscale?

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If the conversion to grayscale produces the same output as the grayscale image then the output of the training should be identical (modulo randomness).

If the conversion is different, then it depends on how big the difference is. But this is unikely, as conversion to grayscale is usually done using the same formula.