Hello, I would glad if someone could help me.
I am trying to convert my CNN model and run it in a himax board using tensorflow lite.
The model was trained in pytorch, I converted it to ONNX, then tensorflow, then tensorflow lite.
The model is a simple mobilenetv2, with the last encoder layers removed. I removed the last layers so the model could fit inside the board, since it has so little memory.
I am using the TF lite miro op resolver like this:
static tflite::MicroMutableOpResolver<5> micro_op_resolver;
I am receiving this erro message:
Didn't find op for builtin opcode 'PAD' version '2'. An older version of this builtin might be supported. Are you using an old TFLite binary with a newer model?
Failed to get registration from op code PAD
I can share my onnx model file and the python codes I am using to convert the model if needed.
Thank you so much for the attention.