CUDA error messages on Docker/WSL installed TF

I have a Windows 11 Pro laptop, and I use WSL and Docker images to run Tensorflow. Lately, I notice CUDA related error messages when I do just “import tensorflow as tf”. But the program seems to still work okay.

My Windows, WSL, and Docker are up to date. I issue the following command in WSL to run TF in Jupyter notebook:

docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 --gpus all tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu-jupyter

I received 3 error messages when I just ran “import tensorflow as tf” in the Jupyter notebook. They are related to unable to register CuFFT, CuDNN, and CuBLAS because they are already registered.

What do I do to get rid of these error messages? The following is a screenshot from the Jupyter notebook.

Hi @kdlin1, This is a known issue. You can refer to this issue to know the further updates. I think those are warnings, even though you are getting those warnings but still you can able to detect the GPU. Thank You.

Thanks for the link. That link has info that 2.16.1 has no such issue. So I did the following:

docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 --gpus all tensorflow/tensorflow:2.16.1-gpu-jupyter

It does not have error messages anymore.

Hi @kdlin1, Yes you are right the issue is not replicating in the docker I have also tested it, it was replicating on the local environment while importing Tensorflow. Thank You.