Cross Compiling LiteRT with Cmake for Pi Zero 2W (ArmV8) + Coral USB use

As the title suggests, I am attempting to cross compile a Pi Zero 2W compatible LiteRT following the official guide. I am getting a Cmake error regarding flatc. Doe this mean I need to cross compile flatbuffers first then point the binary path using -DTFLITE_HOST_TOOLS_DIR=<flatc_dir_path> first?

-- Setting build type to Release, for debug builds use'-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug'.
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:83 (message):
  When cross-compiling, some tools need to be available to run on the host
  (current required tools: flatc).  Please specify where those binaries can
  be found by using -DTFLITE_HOST_TOOLS_DIR=<flatc_dir_path>.