Creating tensorflow executable

Hi, I trained a CNN (small UNet) in Tensorflow 2.4 and Python 3.8 and with CUDA support. The model is working well and fast in Python, but I need to build an executalbe program from it, so a PC can execute it WITHOUT having TF and Python installed. The target device runs on Windows 10 and has CUDA 10.2 installed. What is more, the executable program should not exceed a size of ~100MB and needs to support CUDA.
Is this even possible and what is the best way to build such an executable program?

If you need to use CUDA and c++ have you tried to use the Nvidia runtime TensorRT?

Or you can find an example using directly libtensorflow at:

/cc @markdaoust do you know if we have any other inference example on GPU and Windows? As we have already another request at:

I’m not sure.

There are partial C++ savedmodel instructions here: सहेजे गए मॉडल प्रारूप का उपयोग करना  |  TensorFlow Core

IDK what the status of the new C saved_model api is: tensorflow/tensorflow/c/experimental/saved_model/ at master · tensorflow/tensorflow · GitHub, but IIUC that just needs the TensorFlow for C 설치, but that’s 500MB.

Given your requirements TFLite may be your best bet. It does have GPU support, and is designed for space-limited applications.

This It was requested also in another thread but I suppose that currently we don’t have an Nvidia GPU delegate for this solution: