Confusion Matrix - Image Classification

Is there a way to create a confusion Matrix on Tflite Model Maker - Image Classification that is similar to Audio Classification?

Hi @Hagen_Hagen

Take a look at those notebooks for showing confusion matrix with sklearn and matplotlib:


Finally this one with Model maker classes:

I think by combining you can print confusion matrix also for Image Classification task.


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Hi I followed the 3rd notebook and I get this error.

AttributeError: 'ImageClassifier' object has no attribute 'confusion_matrix'

Maybe ‘ImageClassifier’ object has no attribute 'confusion_matrix then. So create it customly by following the 2 first notebook with sklearn and matplotlib.


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What I would, while it’s not available on the ImageClassifier, is to copy what AudioClassifier is doing: examples/tensorflow_examples/lite/model_maker/core/task/ at 1ff6d7aa9bdf9749ada28bf67ad435ca518b6232 · tensorflow/examples · GitHub

the code might be easy to copy/adapt


Where will I put the code? Inside the or just in another cell in Jupyter Notebook?

I’d just create another cell with a function.
that is the easiest solution

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I put it inside the and it worked. Will that be fine?

I guess so, if it’s working for you that’s enough, right?

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Create a PR with that fix.


I am getting the same error “AttributeError: ‘ImageClassifier’ object has no attribute ‘confusion_matrix’” when I put it in another cell, I think putting it inside would be fine since there’s no error and ‘model.confusion_matrix’ worked since I put it inside the I just thought it will break the package, but it worked. Thank you so much for the help guys!

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Hi @Hagen_Hagen
Checkout this link