Hi all,
I tried to implement a very basic classification algorithm using tensorflow API
the steps are:
- creating synthetic data
- define the architecture prediction = tf.matmul(inpurs,W) + b
- iterate on training step
For some reason the GradientTape instance could not find W,b so I used local function variables
the code is:
import tensorflow as tf
W = tf.Variable(initial_value = tf.random.uniform((input_dims,output_dims)))
b = tf.Variable(initial_value = tf.random.uniform((output_dims,)))
def square_loss(preds,labels):
loss = tf.square(preds-labels)
return tf.reduce_mean(loss)
def training_step(data,labels,local_W,local_b):
with tf.GradientTape() as g:
predictions = tf.matmul(data,local_W)+local_b
loss = square_loss(predictions,labels)
grad_W,grad_b = g.gradient(loss, [local_W,local_b])
return loss,grad_W,grad_b
step_size = 0.02
loss_val =
for i in range(40):
(loss,grad_W,grad_b) = training_step(data,targets,W,b)
W = tf.add(W,grad_W*(-step_size))
b = tf.add(b,grad_b*(-step_size))
What happens is at iteration 2 the gradients calculated by GradientTape instance are none type
I checked the loss function (on which gradient is calculated) and it has a valid number
Can someone please explain why the gradient calculation is not working?