Cannot install tflite-model-maker on Google Collab

I am trying to train the custom model on Google Collab using an Android Figurine notebook, it was working all fine recently but a few days ago it started giving problem when I tried to install tfile-model-maker as it started running and keep running without giving any results :
Preparing metadata ( … done
Preparing metadata ( … done
Preparing metadata ( … done
Preparing metadata ( … done
Installing build dependencies … done
Getting requirements to build wheel … done
Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) … done
Preparing metadata ( … done
ERROR: Cannot install tflite-model-maker==0.1.2, tflite-model-maker==0.2.0, tflite-model-maker==0.2.1, tflite-model-maker==0.2.2, tflite-model-maker==0.2.3, tflite-model-maker==0.2.4, tflite-model-maker==0.2.5, tflite-model-maker==0.3.0, tflite-model-maker==0.3.1, tflite-model-maker==0.3.2, tflite-model-maker==0.3.3, tflite-model-maker==0.3.4, tflite-model-maker==0.4.0, tflite-model-maker==0.4.1 and tflite-model-maker==0.4.2 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.
ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit Dependency Resolution - pip documentation v24.2.dev0


Welcome to the Tensorflow Forum!

Thank you for reporting the issue.


Could you please try a temporary solution, as suggested here?

Thank you!

This solution does no longer work as the Colab’s fallback runtime is no longer available. Are there any other solutions?

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Welcome to the Tensorflow Forum!

You can try to use the MediaPipe Model Maker.

Thank you!

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Are you saying the tflight-model-maker is not supported anymore? Why are there documentation still claiming to use this tool?