Building an RNN with LSTM and after Padding and Masking I am getting a Failed to Convert Elements to Tensor Error

Hello I am currently building an RNN model that utilizes RNN. I have two embedded layers. I have padded my sequences with a custom value and I am trying to mask those sequences in the model creation. When I call on my train data I get this error:

Failed to convert elements of (None, None, 56) to Tensor. Consider casting elements to a supported type. See Module: tf.dtypes  |  TensorFlow v2.16.1 for supported TF dtypes.

Arguments received by
• x=tf.Tensor(shape=(None, 55, 1), dtype=bool)

I cannot make sense of this error. Before masking was introduced the model was able to fit on the data and now it cannot.

The only layer that has that shape is the output layer built Dense Layer:

dense_58 (Dense) │ (None, 55, 16) │ 528 │ lstm_59[0][0] │
│ dense_59 (Dense) │ (None, 55, 1) │ 17 │ dense_58[0][0]