I’m using Tensorflow Federated, but i’m actually have some problem while trying to executes some operation on the server after reading the client update.
This is the function
def run_one_round(server_state, federated_dataset):
"""Orchestration logic for one round of computation.
server_state: A `ServerState`.
federated_dataset: A federated `tf.data.Dataset` with placement
A tuple of updated `ServerState` and `tf.Tensor` of average loss.
server_message = tff.federated_map(server_message_fn, server_state)
server_message_at_client = tff.federated_broadcast(server_message)
client_outputs = tff.federated_map(
client_update_fn, (federated_dataset, server_message_at_client))
weight_denom = client_outputs.client_weight
round_model_delta = tff.federated_mean(
client_outputs.weights_delta, weight=weight_denom)
server_state = tff.federated_map(server_update_fn, (server_state, round_model_delta))
round_loss_metric = tff.federated_mean(client_outputs.model_output, weight=weight_denom)
return server_state, round_loss_metric, client_outputs.weights_delta.comp
I want to print the client_outputs.weights_delta
and doing some operation on the weights that the client sent to the server before using the tff.federated_mean
but i don’t get how to do so.
When i try to print i get this
Call(Intrinsic('federated_map', FunctionType(StructType([FunctionType(StructType([('weights_delta', StructType([TensorType(tf.float32, [5, 5, 1, 32]), TensorType(tf.float32, [32]), ....]) as ClientOutput, PlacementLiteral('clients'), False)))]))
Any way to modify those elements?
I tried with using return client_outputs.weights_delta.comp
doing the modification in the main (i can do that) and then i tried to invocate a new method for doing the rest of the operations for the server update, but the error is:
AttributeError: 'IterativeProcess' object has no attribute 'calculate_federated_mean'
where calculate_federated_mean was the name of the new function i created.
This is the main:
for round_num in range(FLAGS.total_rounds):
sampled_clients = np.random.choice(train_data.client_ids, size=FLAGS.train_clients_per_round, replace=False)
sampled_train_data = [train_data.create_tf_dataset_for_client(client) for client in sampled_clients]
server_state, train_metrics, value_comp = iterative_process.next(server_state, sampled_train_data)
print(f'Round {round_num}')
print(f'\tTraining loss: {train_metrics:.4f}')
if round_num % FLAGS.rounds_per_eval == 0:
accuracy = evaluate(keras_model, test_data)
print(f'\tValidation accuracy: {accuracy * 100.0:.2f}%')
tf.print(tf.compat.v2.summary.scalar("Accuracy", accuracy * 100.0, step=round_num))
Based on the simple_fedavg project from github Tensorflow Federated simple_fedavg as basic project.