I’m a STEM Teacher in Hong Kong. Recently, I’ studying about the potential of TinyML in Hong Kong. I would like to launch a project on TinyML. To design a series of activity and promotion to K12 Student.
May I know could Tensorflow Team give us some support on this project?
At the very beginning stage, maybe we just need a representative from Tensorflow team to introduce what is TinyML to Hong Kong tecahers. Is it feasible for this?
Could any Tensorflow Team member can give me a hand?
Jason Pang
Hi – can you drop me a line? I’d like to learn more…
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Thank you Laurence!
Great to see you here!!!
I am taking your course in EdX TinyML.
Could we mind to leave your email address to me so we can go more deeper? Thank you so much!!!
My email address: Removed by moderator
Hello, Laurence!
I’m trying to explain my plan in brief.
I am a secondary school STEM teacher and also a leader of a local educators community.
I am going to introduce the concept and the bright future of TinyML.
I am going to apply to be a speaker of the local educational exhibition and talking about this.
Due to the COVID measures, it is difficult to invite you to come in-person. However, we can have a video playback or live online meeting sessions through the exhibition.
This is only the very beginning stage. So we may just give a brief intro to what TinyML is in the session and what is the goal for this from the point of view of Google/TensorFlow Team.
I can also do some live demo on the stage to inspire educators/vendors through the session.
Please let me know your thinking about this. Thank you again for your reply😉
Hi – I messaged you, we can take this offline