A Curious Question About Gemini and Google Assistant Integration

Dear Google AI Team,

I hope you’re doing great! I’ve been thinking about something lately, and honestly, it’s been stuck in my mind to the point where I can’t stop wondering about it. So, I thought, why not ask the experts directly?

We all know Gemini is an incredible AI—advanced, adaptable, and capable of handling a wide range of conversations and tasks. But at the same time, Google Assistant is still the best when it comes to things like dismissing alarms, adjusting phone settings, and handling system-level commands. So, here’s my big question:

Why can’t both be integrated into a single, seamless experience?

Wouldn’t it make sense for a smart system that can automatically detect which AI is better suited for a given task? For example, if I say, “Turn on Bluetooth,” the assistant should recognize that this is best handled by Google Assistant. But if I ask something like “Explain quantum entanglement in simple terms,” Gemini could step in and handle the response.

This would create an AI experience that feels more natural and efficient. So, I’m really curious—is this something Google is working on? Or are there specific technical limitations preventing this integration? If there are, I’d love to understand them!

I genuinely appreciate the incredible AI work Google is doing, and I’d be so grateful if you could help satisfy my curiosity. If this isn’t possible right now, I’d love to know why. And if it is in the works (or planned for the future), that would be amazing to hear about!

Looking forward to your response. Thanks a ton in advance!

Srijan Saanand