0 GeGetting Error while executing tensorflow project in NodeJS

Getting Error while executing tensorflow project in NodeJS

Hi I am getting above error while executing the node js tensor flow project. find my github url below.

I have installed build tools and tried as much as possible solutions but nothing worked out

Hi, @veera_brahmam

Welcome to TensorFlow Forum!

I apologize for the delayed response and I see package.json file of your project and it’s using the old package "@tensorflow/tfjs-node": "^1.7.4" so May I know are you able to install @tensorflow/tfjs-node package without any errors on your system first ?

I would suggest you to please give it try from your end with latest version "@tensorflow/tfjs-node"and there might need to make your code compatible with other package dependancies after upgrading with latest version "@tensorflow/tfjs-node"

At the moment I’m not sure which OS you’re using if possible could you please help me with below details after upgrading all the packages compatible w.r.t latest version of "@tensorflow/tfjs-node"

1. Node.js version 
2. Python Version
3. OS Platform

Thank you for your cooperation and patience.