Http2 error: stream error for model on deno's deploy

On my localhost it takes 2-3 seconds to run but on my Deno Deploy | Deno server. it used to work in 10 secs but now I get the following in logs :

error sending request for url (
http2 error: stream error received: unexpected internal error encountered

Maybe @lgusm knows about this given the recent Kaggle models stuff? Seems like the tfhub model is not available?

Just to make sure, are you calling that url or this:


can you share the code snippet too please?

It is working successfully now. Before I sometimes used to get the above error.

import tfjs from "";
import * as toxicity from "";

const threshold = 0.5;
let arrToxicity = {};
let t0 =;

let toxicityF = async (sentence) =>
    return await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
        console.log("Calling toxicity .. now");

        toxicity.load(threshold).then((model: any) =>
            const sentences = [sentence];
            model.classify(sentences).then((predictions: Array<String>) =>
                    arrToxicity[p.label] = p.results[0].match
            }).then(() =>
                let t1 =;
                console.log("Call to toxicity took " + (t1 - t0) + " milliseconds.");
                resolve(JSON.stringify(arrToxicity, null, 2));
            }).catch((error) =>
                    console.log("Some error" + error);

export default toxicityF;
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Nice, we’ll keep an eye for this

If you notice it again please let us know

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