Hi, i wanna know if you had use some programs to analyze CK,LOC,CC metrics of TensorFlow code.
Thanks to the availability, Andrea.
Hi @Andrea , Can you please describe your question in brief please? I didn’t get the context of what you want to say. If you are searching for documentation on metrics that tensorflow supports and here it is.
I wanna know if there is a way to get (with some programs maybe) or the CK metrics like:
WMC weighted sum of the number of methods of a class.
DIT the longest path from the class to the most remote ancestor.
In case of multiple inheritance, DIT is thelargest number among the various most remote ancestors.
NOC the count of all the direct children of a class.
CBO a measure of the dependencies that an object has with other objects.
RFC the number of methods of a class than can beinvoked in response to a call to a method of a
I don’t know a single open source tool that extract all these metrics for python and c++.
One of the few opensoruce multilanguage tools is:
But it will not cover all the CK metrics that are you looking for.
There is a way to analize some of the metrics that i wrote up?? because on the net i can’t find anything
For c/c++ you can still try to check the old cccc
For python you need to check for individual GitHub projects, if maintained and popular enought to trust the implementation.
i wanna do the metrics for python on TensorFlow code, if you have any suggest is very accepet!!
Thanks in advice
For python
But I don’t think it is maintained anymore