GMVAE implementation

Hi All,

I am trying to implement GMVAE, by using dataset on MNIST.


Extract class 0 and class 1 from MNIST and train a GMVAE to cluster the training samples into 2 distinct classes (Hence 2 distributions) and regenerate representations from the clusters, different from traditional VAE that fits all data into a single standard normal distribution.

I have a link to the colab notebook but I am not too sure if my implementation is indeed a GMVAE or still a normal VAE. Please advise.

Link : Google Colab

Hi @Henry_Miller , Welcome to the forum. The link attached with your post seems to be invalid.Kindly attach a valid link.


Link has been edited thanks!

Hi due to inactivity, please help to remove this post. Thank you

Hi @Henry_Miller , Please provide me some time.I will get back to you.