Can participant only share the Github which are related to Gemini? Not the entire project code

One of the requirements to join the competition, is to share project Github. However, can participant only share the codes which are related to Gemini? This sharing is only supposed to help Judges have closer look at how the project is integrating Gemini API

Participant is not willing the share entire project’s codes, because of the following conditions : As between Sponsor and You, You retain ownership of all intellectual and industrial property rights (including moral rights) in and to the information, in connection with Your Submission. As a condition of receiving the Prize, each Confirmed Winner grants Google, its parent, affiliates, agents, and partner companies, a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to use, translate, dub, broadcast, exploit, reproduce, adapt, modify, rearrange, add to, delete from, copy, publish, distribute, publicly perform, create a derivative work from and publicly display, in whole or in part, Your Submission, app code, and any other materials or other recordings that may be made of or by You


Hello and welcome to the forum!

Lots of people seem to be asking this question. My guess is still that you have to submit the entire code for your project, but I think at this point I’m just going to wait for a Google rep to provide an official statement at this point.

However, please note:

You can submit the project as a .zip file. You are not required to submit it via GitHub.

According to the official rules, participants are required to upload the code along with their submission. However, the rules do not explicitly state that the entire project code must be shared, nor do they specify that only the parts related to the Gemini API must be shared. Given this ambiguity, it is advisable to take the most conservative approach and assume that the judges need sufficient code to fully understand how the Gemini API is integrated into the project.

To ensure compliance and to help judges evaluate the integration effectively, you could consider providing all relevant parts of the code that demonstrate the use of the Gemini API without necessarily sharing your entire project. This approach balances the need for intellectual property protection with the requirement to demonstrate your use of the Gemini API clearly.

Relevant Sections from the Official Rules:

  • Submission Requirements: The official rules state that “Code must be uploaded along with Your Submission. Failure to provide code may result in Your Submission being disqualified.”

To confirm and ensure clarity, you might also consider contacting the competition organizers directly or refer to any official FAQs or updates provided on the competition website.

You can find the official rules of the Gemini API Developer Competition on the competition website.

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This needs to be answered.

Cause as of now, I’m considering to submit a highly redacted version of the app I’m building, without the backend code.


As of today, no one from Google even provided a good answer for this. I don’t want to waste time to build something for a contest, in which ownership rights are very unclear


We see you…

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You have to send the entire code with guides on how to set it up, judges need to run the code for themselves.