Audio Classification w/ Model Maker Codelab Doesn't work

Hello folks,

I was trying to follow this Colab notebook:

After I figured I had to upgrade pip:

!pip install --upgrade pip

I still get errors when I try to install tflite_model_maker:

!pip install tflite-model-maker

Results in the error below.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


ERROR: Cannot install tflite-model-maker==0.1.2, tflite-model-maker==0.2.0, tflite-model-maker==0.2.1, tflite-model-maker==0.2.2, tflite-model-maker==0.2.3, tflite-model-maker==0.2.4, tflite-model-maker==0.2.5, tflite-model-maker==0.3.3, tflite-model-maker==0.3.4, tflite-model-maker==0.4.0, tflite-model-maker==0.4.1, tflite-model-maker==0.4.2 and tflite-model-maker==0.4.3 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.

The conflict is caused by:

  • tflite-model-maker 0.4.3 depends on scann==1.2.6*
  • tflite-model-maker 0.4.2 depends on numba==0.53*
  • tflite-model-maker 0.4.1 depends on numba==0.53*
  • tflite-model-maker 0.4.0 depends on numba==0.53*
  • tflite-model-maker 0.3.4 depends on numba==0.53*
  • tflite-model-maker 0.3.3 depends on numba==0.53*
  • tflite-model-maker 0.2.5 depends on tflite-support==0.1.0rc4*
  • tflite-model-maker 0.2.4 depends on tflite-support==0.1.0rc4*
  • tflite-model-maker 0.2.3 depends on tflite-support==0.1.0rc3.dev2*
  • tflite-model-maker 0.2.2 depends on tflite-support==0.1.0rc3.dev2*
  • tflite-model-maker 0.2.1 depends on tflite-support==0.1.0rc3.dev2*
  • tflite-model-maker 0.2.0 depends on tflite-support==0.1.0rc3.dev2*
  • tflite-model-maker 0.1.2 depends on tflite-support==0.1.0rc3.dev2*

To fix this you could try to:
1. loosen the range of package versions you’ve specified
2. remove package versions to allow pip attempt to solve the dependency conflict

Ok, thanks to this post I figured out how to wrap this in a Conda instance to get the versions to all play nice.

However, my next problem is the bird data-set cited in the Codelab is missing (…

So i’m just wondering if others have found this data set anywhere else? Clearly this Codelab is in need of some love, but I’d like to see if I can finish it with this missing dataset.

Thanks again,

Ah, the plot thickens:
“Modified by moderator”

Looks like the data set was stored in Laurence’s personal block space at Google which has been removed… Ooopsie. At least I got the opportunity to learn about this amazing person. Glad he’s found happiness… now back to transfer learning and these elusive birds…

If anyone had the file ‘’, it would be extremely helpful if they could provide it here! Thanks!

Hi @nick_dipatri, As the original audio came from Xeno-canto you can download the dataset using

url = ""
output = "", output, quiet=False)

please refer to this gist. Thank You.

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