Any Hardware/Platform Limitations?

Are there any restrictions to integrating our solution onto edge compute devices like the raspberry pi or jetson devices?

Hey there and welcome to the community!

What do you mean here by integrating these onto edge compute devices? I thought edge compute was cloud computing, which would make personal hardware it’s own different thing.

Google has a lot of stuff out there though, so I’m asking more out of ignorance. I’m not sure if there’s something in particular you’re looking at that’s causing you to ask this question.

Hi & thanks for trying to help :slight_smile:

I meant does the submission need to run on a phone or computer/laptop? Or can the solution be designed for a device that is running headless without a screen or anything such as a collection of ESP32s with sensors and stuff - so long as it leverages the gemini API?

Ah, gotcha!

Nope, no restrictions on that front. So long as Gemini is the focus, that’s what counts.

In fact, the more innovative, the better!

If your focus is on IoT devices as well, consider taking a peek at Google Home developer tools. This could reach more people, and my guess is it could definitely work in your favor with the judges.

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I haven’t tried to build anything with the Google Home APIs but agree it is probably a cool integration to look into. Thanks!!!

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Hey @vsmithy no restrictions on whether phone or computer. Check FAQs on the website